Caritas Assembly. Prelature of Lábrea. 2024.

The 6th Assembly of Caritas Cuxiuara established a program to strengthen solidarity action and promote social and environmental justice during the centenary year of the Prelature in coordination with all parishes.

In the Community of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, Vila Souza, municipality of Tapauá, Amazonas, Brazil, the 6th Assembly of Caritas Cuxiuara took place at the end of 2024 with representatives of communities, pastoral agents and leaders of the Prelature of Lábrea in the context of the beginning of the centenary of the local mission.

The aim was to strengthen solidarity action and promote social and environmental justice during the centenary year of the Prelature, with the theme “Cuxiuara Mission: Celebrating the Centenary as Pilgrims of Hope”. Spirituality was present from the beginning, inspired by the book of Exodus: “Take off your sandals, for the place where you stand is holy ground” (3:5), in addition to various dynamics and moments of prayer.

This spirituality guided the debates and decisions of the assembly. Among the discussions, the panel “BR-319 and the destruction of our Common Home” stood out, led by Sister Maritas Nilvo, from the Pan-Amazonian Ecclesial Network (REPAM), which brought to light the consequences of the construction of the roadway in the region, with challenges such as the destruction of the way of life of indigenous people and riverside dwellers, land grabbing, conflicts that can lead to violence and even deaths, and deforestation.

Another highlight was the debate on the 2025 Fraternity Campaign, “Fraternity and Integral Ecology”. The national advisor of Caritas Brazil, Danilo Araújo, emphasized the biblical call to care for creation and the Church’s commitment to integral ecology as an act of faith and care for life in all its forms.

The Assembly approved the change in the bylaws of Caritas Cuxiuara, until then the Parish Caritas of Belo Monte and Foz de Tapauá, as Caritas of the whole Prelature to strengthen common work, expand solidarity, social and environmental actions, and expand and integrate actions to defend human rights and environmental sustainability.

Pastoral priorities, strategies for the solidarity economy and the celebrations of the centenary of the Prelature were also discussed, with young people playing a central role, presenting suggestions and reinforcing their importance in the future of Caritas.

During the Assembly there were moments of coexistence and cultural celebrations with music, dances and presentations in an atmosphere of sharing and joy. They reaffirmed the importance of collective work to face challenges and be a transformative force in the region, promoting justice, care for the Common Home and hope for communities.