VII Federal Elective Assembly of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns of the Federation of Mexico. Puebla, September 2024.

From September 18 to 27, the monastery of Saint Monica in Puebla welcomed the prioresses and representatives of 15 of the 20 monasteries of this Federation, where around 220 Augustinian Recollect contemplative nuns live.

The VII Federal Elective Assembly of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns of the Federation of Mexico opened on September 18 in Puebla with a Eucharist presided over by the prior general of the Augustinian Recollects, Miguel Ángel Hernández. He encouraged the 33 assembly members to place the journey of the Federation in the hands of the Spirit and to rely on the many signs of life that the monasteries present.

The elective federal assembly is a moment of union, reflection and decision in which the contemplative monasteries join forces, reinforce everything that allows them to maintain and improve their own lifestyle and choose the team that will implement the agreed decisions.

Thus, the Assembly approved the Federation’s Directory and began the process of updating the Constitutions; it recommended ongoing formation by age stages and created a joint team of trainers and facilitators of retreats and spiritual exercises and another team of vocational pastoral care. It also addressed the economic reality of the Federation with its challenges and strengths.

The VII Federal Assembly, being elective, chose a new Council of the Federation. Olivia Hernández, from the Ahuacatlán monastery, was named federal president; Martha Tapia, from Tecamachalco, first councilor; María Eugenia Cortés, from Morelia, second councilor; Rosa María Mora, from Tecamachalco, third councilor and secretary; Monica Gonzalez, from Puebla, fourth councilor.

This election took place the day after the inauguration of the Assembly, on September 19, coinciding with the 119th anniversary of the restoration of the Augustinian Recollect Nuns in Mexico by Guadalupe Vadillo in the same monastery that hosted the Assembly.

The sessions also served to strengthen fraternity, support and mutual knowledge among the monasteries. The prioresses and delegates shared their personal and community experiences from an appreciative perspective, reaffirming the need to strengthen the Federation in all its areas.

Of the twenty monasteries of this Federation, fifteen were represented at the Assembly. From each of these, the prioress and a delegate nun chosen by the community attended: Ahuacatlán, Cuernavaca, Jalpan, Macuxtepetla, Mimosa, Morelia, Papalotla, Puebla, Tecamachalco, Tepeyahualco, Tlaxcala, Tula and Xalapa in Mexico; Guaraciaba do Norte in Brazil and Belvidere in the United States.

The monasteries of Lodwar (Kenya) and Bogotá (Colombia) did not attend the Assembly due to travel difficulties. In the case of Lindora (Costa Rica) and Manuel Doblado (Mexico), they are still dependent on Tecamachalco, which assumed their representation; and Cuautínchan, the twentieth monastery, is not yet officially established.

For the first time, all the 15 monasteries of Augustinian Recollects in Mexico have participated in the Assembly, as they are already part of the Federation, once the remaining monasteries have been integrated in recent years. In addition, there are the foundations abroad, which have brought the Augustinian-Recollect female contemplative life to the United States, Brazil, Kenya, Costa Rica and Colombia.

Several Augustinian Recollects friars responded to the nuns’ call to present some materials and ideas that would encourage reflection and shed light on the decisions that the assembly members should make.

Thus, Sergio Sánchez spoke about the Life and Mission Project and presented materials and initiatives on spirituality and formation; Jorge Quirós presented the Redi ad cor Formation Plan; Isaac Almaraz, the Plan for vocational pastoral care and a sketch of the joint work tasks in this field; and Miguel Miró reflected on the importance of prayer, a basic aspect of contemplative monastic life.

The purpose of taking advantage of all the materials on spirituality and formation that the Augustinian Recollects publish or distribute and a specific calendar of visits to the monasteries to make them known and promote them was also specified.

It should be noted in this regard that the prior general of the Augustinian Recollects, Miguel Ángel Hernández, who arrived in Mexico on September 15 to make a renewal visit to the male communities of the Order, has taken advantage of his stay to visit various monasteries, such as Cuautínchan, Mimosa, Puebla, Tecamachalco, Tlaxcala and Tula, among others.

The closing Eucharist was presided over by the Augustinian Recollect bishop Francisco Javier Acero, auxiliary of Mexico City.