Augustinian Week 2024. Chihuahua, Chih.

From August 19 to 23, for the first time, an Augustinian Week was held at the Parish of Christ the Sovereign and Eternal Priest, in Chihuahua, Chih., (Mexico); open to the entire parish community and to all who wished to attend both in person and virtually.

This enriching series of activities was born from the restless hearts of some members of the Augustinian-Recollect Secular Fraternity, which was, almost in its entirety, the organizer of the Week. And what did this first Augustinian Week consist of? From Monday to Thursday, there was a talk, before the celebration of the daily Eucharist; to end on Friday with the celebration of the Eucharist and then enjoy a concert with songs of Augustinian inspiration, entitled “Saint Augustine through music.”

The talk on the first day, Monday 19th, was given by Heber Hermosillo, a member of one of the JAR communities who has been in the Parish the longest, an active collaborator, and also an assistant in the organization of the event. His topic was entitled “Saint Augustine, a saint for the 21st century.” With it, in a dynamic way and interacting with those present, he gave a review of the life of the saint. He wanted to make it clear why Saint Augustine is not a saint who has been left behind in time, but is still very current, and why the example of his life, or his works, could help us all with some particular issue. Today’s society, today’s humanity, even if it may not seem so to us, is similar to that of Saint Augustine, and we can find some of the same problems, even if they are called by another names.

To end the day, the Mass was celebrated for the feast of St. Ezekiel Moreno, Augustinian Recollect bishop, patron saint of cancer patients, presided over by Father Manuel A. Flores and concelebrated by Father Serafín Pineda. All week, the singing of the Mass was performed by Brother Bernal Guerrero, a new member of the Chihuahua religious community; a surprise for many, as Serafín Pineda himself expressed to those present at the end of the Eucharist.

The second day was given by Father Rodolfo Yela on the topic “Augustinian Recollects, a gift of the Holy Spirit for the world.” After a curious and thoughtful introduction on why a gift? Isn’t it too pretentious? Rodolfo focused his presentation on the charism of the Order of Augustinian Recollects, based on what the Recollect Constitutions says. After finishing his talk, Father Rodolfo himself presided over the 7pm Mass.

The third topic was given by Yani Valdez, a parishioner who some years ago experienced consecrated life with the Augustinian Recollect Missionaries (MAR). Her presentation was entitled “Women in the style of Saint Monica and Saint Augustine.” Yani recalled some characteristics of these two popular saints, to continue describing how from the beginning there are women who begin to follow this lifestyle (monasteries). She focused mainly on the emergence of the Augustinian Recollect contemplative nuns and, above all, on the MAR; with its inspiring, moving and exciting history from Spain to China, from where it has spread to other countries. The Mass, in memory of St. Pius the Tenth, was presided over by Father Manuel Antonio Flores.

The fourth day was led by Brother Bernal Guerrero, who was entrusted with the topic “Augustinian Recollects, together where the Church needs us.” He began by telling how the life of Saint Augustine was dramatically marked by his willingness to undertake the tasks that the Church entrusted to him, and, in conjunction with the Constitutions of the Order of the Augustinian Recollects, he explained how the Augustinian Recollect charism, following the example of the saint, also has as one of its referents the service to the Church, and striving to do it in the best way. The Mass that day was presided over by Father Francisco Javier López.

Every day, between the presentation and the Mass, there was a raffle of various Augustinian materials, such as radio soap operas about the life of Augustine, Augustinian books and biographies of illustrious figures of the Augustinian-Recollect Family.

The closing of the week came on Friday the 23rd with the Augustinian Concert, eagerly awaited by many. This concert took place at the end of the 7 pm Mass, presided by Serafín Pineda, who had a special guest to speak in the homily about music, Saint Augustine. At the event, a total of 10 songs were performed, with lyrics inspired by the writings of Saint Augustine and his own life. The voices and instruments of parishioners Nancy Cervantes, Vianey Castañeda, Fernanda Chávez, Vania Trujillo, Mauricio Trujillo, Roberto Altamirano, Carlos Estrada, Héber Hermosillo and Brother Bernal Guerrero took the attendees on an entertaining and emotional journey through the life and spirituality of the Bishop of Hippo. The evening’s program included musical compositions by Father José Manuel G. Durán, Gaby Ríos, Pablo Martínez and Ricardo Ramírez.

The evening ended with a snack provided by the Augustinian-Recollect Secular Fraternity.