St. Magdalene of Nagasaki: love in action. Augustinian Recollects. June 2024.

Today we present a new animated video focused on the character of Magdalene of Nagasaki (1611-1634), a Japanese martyr whose testimony leads to a better understanding of the reality of the Secular Augustinian-Recollect Fraternity, of which she is patron.

The Communication and Publications Commission of the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine presents today a new animated video, an approach to one of the characters in the history of the Augustinian Recollect Family that reflects a greater testimony of faith and dedication: Magdalena from Nagasaki.


The animation, lasting 10 minutes, is the work of the Augustinian Recollect Fernando Martín with the collaboration of Eduardo Burgos (sound technician) and Lorena Sanz and Eva Martín, former students of the Saint Augustine de los Augustinian Recollects School in Valladolid (Spain), who have lent, along with Fernando, their voices to the characters.

Fernando, a member of the Communication and Publications Commission of the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, has embarked in recent months at the request of that Commission on a project to present characters of the Augustinian-Recollect Family through animation.

Saint Monica, Saint Ezekiel Moreno, Saint Rita and, now, Saint Magdalene of Nagasaki have been the protagonists of this series, which can be seen on the YouTube channel of the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine.

Fernando himself explains how he felt and why he wanted to present Magdalena of Nagasaki in animation:

“Each video has its story and its motivation. Specifically, for this one about Saint Magdalene, I have been motivated by both her life and martyrdom testimony as well as the Secular Fraternities themselves, an important part of the Order, of great strength and commitment, of which Magdalene is patron.

They are not a parish group or a brotherhood, but people who have agreed to follow their own way of living based on the Recollect charisma and its values. Hence, the common thread to tell Magdalena’s life is a woman member of the Fraternity and service, union and mutual help are highlighted several times as essential values for a happy life.

If I had to stick with one characteristic feature of Magdalene or something that particularly challenges me, it would be her decision and her ability to act. Faced with so many indifferent to the suffering and problems of others, not a few, among whom I include many Christians, want to be empathetic, we see reality and we want to act.

Sometimes we may lack that push, that inner strength… When we see a homeless person asking for food, for example, we feel bad, but we also find it difficult to take the step of buying him food or, simply, talking to him.

Changing course, as the good Samaritan did, is not easy. Saint Magdalene is one of those who chose without thinking, she is an example for our daily lives. In the middle of a bloody and terrible persecution she went to the mountains to help the hidden Christians, she motivated them, she accompanied them… she did not stay still even in her world.

In the animation, precisely, a member of the Secular Fraternity talks about the saint to her co-workers, about her work as a catechist and support for missionaries in 17th century Japan or about her confrontation with power and violence through peace, faith and firmness of convictions.

But it also explains in broad terms what an Augustinian-Recollect Secular Fraternity is, the reasons its members have to celebrate life and faith together. The video ends with a direct invitation to this type of life where, without leaving family and jobs, you can live prayer, service and mutual help in community.