The months of May and June at the Fray Luis de León School in Querétaro, directed by the Augustinian Recollects, first communions, and confirmations are common after prior training and catechesis given to students and offered to the family’s parents.
At the Querétaro school, training is also offered to parents; in this way, they become aware of their mission as first educators in their children’s faith. For this reason, during the entire school year, they received three Eucharistic catechisms: the allegory of the true vine, the parable of the merciful father, and the supper of the Lord. This family formation concluded with a retreat on May 25, in which about 130 parents gathered.
This retreat was coordinated by father David Molina and had as its common thread “remaining in the love of God” so that the attendees carried out different activities that guided them to live their mission as parents as an offering to their children, highlighting the importance of attending mass on Sundays and educating for and from the love.
On the other hand, 47 families with High School students experienced a family retreat on Sunday, May 26, to strengthen their training to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation. Brother David Molina led the retreat, which had as its referential axis the accompaniment of God the Holy Spirit in his families. Dialogue, Communication, and teamwork were constants throughout the retreat.
The retreat concluded on the solemnity of the Holy Trinity, an occasion taken advantage of by the friar David Molina to exhort attendees to “live from unity and relationship.” Indeed, Christians believe in a God who is a relationship, alterity, dialogue, and communication.
Finally, two students, Paulina and Patricio, who will soon receive confirmation, made their first Communion.