Francisco Cha Maoshang, Augustinian Recollect priest.

In a small town in vast China, Francisco Ma Chaoshang was born a few decades ago. His personal and vocational history —fourteen years of training in Spain— is of special interest, because we have come into contact with him, who will share his testimony and vocational story.

When did your desire to be religious and priest arise, and what moved you to do so?

I can distinguish two stages in my vocational path (also in my life). Before talking about my vocation, I must confess that it is God who first loves me, chooses me in his unfathomable plan, takes the initiative, and calls me.

Unlike some consecrated brothers, the path of my vocation is quite mysterious. Although I was born in a Christian family, as a child I never thought about being a priest, much less a religious person. I wanted to be a teacher if I ever thought about my future. This situation lasted more or less until he was twelve years old.

So, how did the vocation awaken in you?

I still remember a Franciscan religious was looking for vocations in my town. My uncle was the leader of the laity in my parish. This Franciscan, through my uncle, asked me if he wanted to be a priest. I don’t know why I answered yes without a doubt at that moment, yes, I said, I never think about that.

Seeing that he was small, this Franciscan told me that I could come into contact with him at the end of the compulsory studies, and he gave me a little book about a saint before saying goodbye.

Since then, I began to think about my future with one more possibility: being a priest. I participated more at mass and paid attention to what my parish priest said and did. The priest of my town was humble and full of love, preached the Gospel, officiated the sacraments, invited the faithful to convert and save their souls, etc.

Furthermore, he was greatly loved and respected by Christians, and even by pagans of my people. This lifestyle influenced me and caught my attention.

Having completed the Chinese Baccalaureate studies, the diocese of Zhouzhi sought prospects. My father asked me if he still wanted to be a priest or continue my studies, and he gave me time to consider and decide, and he told me that whatever my decision was he would respect and support me.

I still remember that he was walking on a bridge near my town and felt an illumination within me and a burning love in my heart, and that prompted me to take with courage the decision of my consecrated path without looking back.

After taking an exam, I entered the Xi’an Minor Seminary. I spent three years in the Minor Seminary and a year and a half at the Shaanxi Major Seminary. Here is my vacation in China before going to Spain.

Considering all these incidents, I am increasingly aware that it is not I who chooses God, but it is God who chooses me, loves me, takes the initiative, and calls me. I, for my part, want to respond to his great love with my little love and cooperation.

That was your career in China, but you came to Spain to be an Augustinian Recollect. How did this important change occur?

Even now I continue to reflect on the meaning of my vocational journey as an Augustinian Recollect in Spain. I am convinced the Lord Jesus wants to entrust me with a mission. Therefore, first I prepared and forged myself with a complete and solid training in Spain to take it to good terms.

In February 2004 I arrived in Spain, where I received complete and solid religious and priestly training. The first thing, learning the Spanish language for a year and a half, residing in the convent of Marcilla (Navarra); then, three years of philosophy with residence at the Training House Saint Augustine of Las Rozas (Madrid).

During these four long years, I carried out the training process in the aspirant and postulate stages. They were followed by a year of novitiate in Monteagudo (Navarra) and four years of theology in Las Rozas. At the end of the novitiate, the simple profession; to

the three years, the solemn profession, and then the reception of the diaconate and the priesthood. This long training process involved a lot of effort in all aspects: human, intellectual, and spiritual. But, by the decision of my superiors, I had to continue facing the books, so I had to complete the validation of my studies at UNED and then obtain a degree in Fundamental Theology. As soon as I obtained the title, I returned to China in 2017, where I am now.

Fourteen years of your life to follow the vocation…

To tell the truth, these almost fourteen years of life, studies, and religious and priestly formation in Spain were not easy; I had to endure the loneliness of being far away from my parents and relatives, adapt to the food and customs of Spain, learn to talk to people from other countries, nationalities, and other languages, overcome the clash of cultures and thoughts…

What did you perceive as special in the Augustinian Recollect charism?

What motivated me at all times was the desire to be religious and an Augustinian Recollect priest and the concern of the Order for solid formation in all aspects (intellectuality, spirituality, affectivity, personality, physical and mental health, personal interests such as piano, guitar, English, etc.), the common life in prayer, in rehearsal, on a walk, etc., as well as the mutual help. Although there were also challenges and conflicts with some. Thanks to all this I have grown and matured.

Although there are usually a variety of reasons in our lives and decision-making, there are always some stronger ones. In your vocational path, what do you think it is?

What motivates me to continue being religious and a priest is the grace of God, the memory of my first purpose (encounter with the Lord Jesus), and the mission that God has given me: to train seminarians, nuns, lay people, and saving souls.

From my personal experiences, I am convinced that God is loving and has prepared a better and beautiful path for me. For my part, I try to respond to the great love of him with my humble cooperation. I am also convinced that, with the grace and strength of the Lord, I will be able to bring to fruition the good things that God has done for me.

Do you feel happy to be an Augustinian Recollect priest? Why?

Gratitude is one of the fundamental virtues in a person’s life. I am very grateful to the Order of Augustinian Recollects for their welcome, economic support, medical insurance coverage, education and training, care, and attention, in short, for all the good they gave me during those fourteen years.

I also have to say that sometimes some commandments and orders from some trainers or I didn’t like the priors at all, and they even caused me some pain, but within the whole of the beautiful plan of God and in the light of faith, these obstacles have become opportunities on my path of growth and maturity.

I also express my gratitude for my assignment to China, so that I can serve with more possibilities and in a better way to the Church in China, but always with a view to the universality of the Church.

Once you have returned to China, you will feel like a fish in water.

It has been seven years since I returned to China. Due to special environments and circumstances, in China, it is very difficult to live as an Augustinian Recollect friar by the demands of a life of community and religious.

Thus, being a single religious who works in another Diocese, I have had temptations in the three votes and in the offer to change to the Diocese or another Order, but always the hands loving of God have assisted and protected me so that I do not fall into temptation. From deep in my soul I am convinced that it is the will of God that makes me religious and an Augustinian Recollect priest.

The Order is not supposed to be unaware of the special difficulties you have to go through but will be in contact with you.

The Order does not abandon me and is always attentive to help me with what I need. I intend to correspond to the Order of my religious identity, through the dissemination of the Augustinian spirituality and my practical life, trying to imitate Jesus Christ as much as possible.

Finally, being alone in this arduous task, I hope that the Order continues to understand and support me, to carry out the mission that the Lord has entrusted me.

God willing, I hope one day the wish of having one more religious house in China will come true and we will be more Augustinian Recollects brothers so that the presence of the Order in China is more significant! Nonetheless, I can say, I feel happy to be an Augustinian Recollect priest.

What pastoral and formative activities do you carry out in China? Where?

The pastoral and formative activities that I have carried out since returning to China in 2017 until now can be divided into the following two stages. For the first two years, I worked as a vice-parish priest of Nantang (Southern Church), Shangqiu, mainly in the administration of the sacraments, the catechesis, the formation of the choir, the readership and acolyte, etc.

I gave a hand to the Augustinian Recollect Missionaries sisters in retreats and spiritual exercises. Furthermore, as an invited teacher, every semester taught intensive classes at the Shaanxi Major Seminary.

The Bishop of Xi’an Dang Mingyan thought highly of me and invited me to go to the Minor Seminary to help and, in the meantime, teach at the Major Seminary. Because of the complicated situation of the Diocese of Shangqiu, I was able to come to serve in the seminaries. I think it is the will of God who has been behind all this.

At the end of August 2019, I left Shangqiu and went to the Xi’an Minor Seminary to begin my new mission. Then, the prior provincial reached an agreement with the bishop of the Diocese of Xi’an, so that I could serve in the Diocese of Xi’an as a religious and Augustinian Recollect priest.

Synthesizing the life of these five years as a professor, while residing in the Minor Seminary, I gave classes on the subjects of “Latin” and “Faith, science and reason”. I went to the Major Seminary weekly to teach classes on “Fundamental Theology”, “Theology of Revelation”, “Theological Anthropology ”, etc. Also, as a guest professor, every semester I gave intensive classes at the Sheshan Seminary, in Shanghai.

I see teaching activities have been your main dedication in recent years.

Without a doubt, they have been the ones that have required the most time, but not all of my time and energy have been engaged in teaching or training.

I imagine that in this teaching work, you will have been able to make known the Augustinian doctrine and spread the charisma of the Augustinian Recollects.

In addition to the “official” classes, another work that I have been doing during these years is the propagation of Augustinian spirituality through talks, retreats, and spiritual exercises, both for the seminarians and nuns as well as for lay people, in different provinces.

Of course, being a priest, how can some pastoral activities be missing? That’s why, in addition to the cooperation with the Diocese of Xi’an, during the Christmas and Easter holidays, I am available to hear confessions and organize the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, liturgy, etc.

In any case, the work I have done during these years has been tiresome and tiring; however, I feel fulfilled and satisfied. I often think that this is what God wants from me

Francisco, to conclude this story/interview, I dare to ask you to send a message to those prospects and those who visit this site.

With more than ten years of religious and priestly experiences, for those prospects in general, I would give the following advice:

(1) Establish a personal relationship with God, since vocation, after all, is a matter

between you and God. Do not forget the first purpose, constantly return to the original point of your vocation (encounter between you and God), trust in his love in all circumstances, and follow him to the end.

(2) Service with love. The priesthood is a service. The service will make sense and bear fruit as soon as it is done with charity.

(3) Humility. Aware of weakness and fragility, a person may be cautious in words and

actions, and in this way, will be able to avoid many troubles and temptations.

(4) Truth. Love and truth must always go together. In a multidimensional world, it is necessary to seek and discover the truth so as not to be immersed in the appearance of many current currents.

(5) Cultivate personal interests and tastes, such as music, sports, art, etc., to have a good time free time, and avoid the negative influences of mobile or cell phone addiction.

(6) Enjoy silence and solitude, live at peace with yourself. In silence and solitude, a person will be able to easily grasp and fulfill the will of God.

(7) Friendship. Although it is difficult to find true friendships, you have to make an effort to look for good teachers and friends with whom you can share your life and walk together. Perhaps, one can walk faster, but as a group will be able to go further.

Finally, for Chinese vocational students in particular, as this is a special context, I recommend, persistence in principles, adaptation, and flexibility, to achieve greater human and spiritual development and maturity.

Thank you, Francisco, for your words. May you continue to feel the love of God that takes care of you and strengthens you to continue in your first “purpose” of Following Jesus as an Augustinian Recollect.