The Saint Augustine Psychosocial Care Center (CAPSA) of the Augustinian Recollect Family and the Parish of San Francisco de Asís of Conjunto Palmeiras, in Fortaleza, offers psychosocial care, training on health prevention, and distribution of basic food.
The Saint Augustine Psychosocial Care Center (CAPSA) is also part of the social works activities of the Augustinian-Recollect Family in Fortaleza (Ceará, Brazil) and carries out its activities in collaboration with the Parish of San Francisco de Asís, located in the Complex Palmeiras from the Jangurussu neighborhood.
Specifically, during the year 2024, the CAPSA programs have in their aid records a total of 120 families in the neighborhood, whose inhabitants do not have continuous sources of income and is an area with a deficient level of public services and support policies. CAPSA’s action priorities are community strengthening, knowledge of people’s rights, and support for women who act as heads of family. CAPSA’s specialty is mental health and social assistance since the professional’s project specializes in both fields.
However, it would not be possible to establish an appropriate framework for action in the area without having to take into account basic needs, including food. For this reason, during the month of March 2024, these families, thanks to the collaboration of various institutions, have received direct aid from basic food baskets.
The collaboration of local entities and companies is essential for this initiative and includes both food donations and logistical support to get them to those who need them most. Only the most basic food needs are covered and all risk of impact is hunger eliminated, especially in minors in stages of growth, which can escalate attention to other particularities such as mental health or social assistance.
Along with the delivery of these essential foods, training on nutrition and health prevention is essential for the ordinary life of each family to run smoothly. It is about the heads of the family knowing what healthier food available even with few resources.
One of the beneficiaries expressed her gratitude: “This help comes at a very difficult time for our families. With so many difficulties, it is comforting to know that we are not alone, that people are willing to help and support us.”
CAPSA also promotes recreational activities for children, moments of joy and relaxation that contrast with the harsh daily reality of the neighborhood. These games, in addition, strengthen community ties and are a way of learning that together it is possible to overcome even the most difficult challenges.