First vocational CAFE in Tula

On February 23, the convent of the Holy Trinity of the Augustinian Recollect Sisters of Tula, Mexico organized the first vocational CAFÉ  (COFEE) for young people from colonies and municipalities close to the convent to work, at first, the youth and vocational ministry of the convent.

The meeting began with a registration and welcome reception organized by benefactors of the convent and managed by the vocational promoters Augustinian Recollects Consuelo Macías and Dulce González, together with frater Isaac Almaraz, Augustinian Recollect. Later, a group of young volunteers organized songs and dances with the purpose that the attendees – about fifty – would gain confidence and in this way give way to the next activity: a talk about the vocation to be a person presented by frater David Molina.

During the talk Molina detailed the importance of human nature, urging young people to feel proud of their humanity and of being creatures in the image and likeness of Christ.

Immediately there was a time of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament through songs and prayers in the community. The prayer time was coordinated by Frater David Molina,

and the call to be a person was emphasized again. Collaborating in this event were a youth choir and the Augustinian Recollect sisters.

The vocational COFFEE concluded with an evaluation and a few words of gratitude by Sister Consuelo, who encouraged the boys and girls to attend the next vocational CAFÉ, which will have other vocational focuses, such as the vocation to Christian life and Augustinian-Recollect.

It should be noted that the organization of these vocational CAFES has the purpose of not only evangelizing the youth of Tula, but also creating a future not very distant pre-ARY communities.

(Augustinian Recollect Youth)