Sowers of hope. Video of the first centenary of the mission of the Augustinian Recollects in Shangqiu, China.

The Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine celebrates this Day of Consecrated Life 2024 premiering in Spanish, English and Portuguese a 45-minute video that portrays the history, the present and future of the mission of the Augustinian-Recollect Family in China.

With a duration of 45 minutes and available in three languages (Spanish, Portuguese and English), the Commissions on Communication and Publications and the Centenary of the Mission in Shangqiu of the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine of the Augustinian Recollects release the video today “Sowers of Hope.”

The date chosen for this premiere, within the Centennial year of the Augustinian Recollects Mission in China, responds to a tribute to the religious life in Shangqiu, of which they have participated in one way or another, in the past and present, foreign missionaries and local vocations, men and women, contemplative orders and congregations of active life. And consecrated life is one of the protagonists of the documentary report itself.

The direction, production, script, editing and post-production have been carried out by the Film Commission of Communication and Publications, advised by the Centennial Commission. For this it has been based on both still images and audiovisual images of the Augustinian Recollect Family, which corresponds to almost all periods of this century (1924-2024), although with a evident large gap that goes from 1955 to 1990, the most opaque years in this history.

Of relevance there are two sources that have served to construct this graphic narrative: First of all are the excellent photographs of the first years of the Mission (1924-1955) kept in the Historical Archive of the Province in Marcilla, Navarra, Spain.

Many of these photographs were authored by the first bishop of the mission and founder of the Augustinian Recollect Missionaries, Francisco Javier Ochoa, a lover of photography, who thus responded both to his own interest as a great fan and to the needs of the magazine.

All Missionaries and from the Province of Saint Nicholas, who constantly asked for reports and news given the terrible situations that took place those first years.

The second great source of own images are the recordings obtained in 2005 in China, Taiwan and Spain, which include interviews with several of the Augustinian Recollect religious protagonists of the history of the Mission in Shangqiu, all of them now deceased.

The rest of the images have been taken from up to 24 different YouTube channels and include current panoramic views of Shangqiu, the wars and historical vicissitudes that it went through the region of China during the 20th century, the distant Qinhai region where they died in terrible circumstances three religious Recollects or the Yellow River, the guiding axis of an entire culture and civilization of which the entire province of Henan is a part.

For the narration and locution in Spanish, we have had the collaboration of volunteer teachers from the Saint Augustine School of the Augustinian Recollects in Valladolid, which It has a recording studio. Under the technical direction of Eduardo Burgos, they have José Antonio Arranz, Roberto Rodríguez, Eduardo Acebes, Alberto Miguel, lent their voices Manuel Martín and Amelia Fernández Aguado.

In the case of the Portuguese language, the technical direction has been carried out by Rossi Franklin Ferreira Leite, who has provided his voice to dub the protagonists along with Samara Said da Silva, who has acted as the main narrator and is a collaborator of the media communication from the Prelature of Lábrea (Amazonas, Brazil).

The gratitude of the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine to these is human teams reflected who have collaborated to make this video with their voices and technical actions.

In the case of English, virtual voices have been used. For the soundtrack, up to 17 compositions have been used under a Creative Commons license or with specific licenses from UppBeat, conveniently indicated in both the titles of credit as in the description of the YouTube platform.

To view the video in person, it is recommended to use headphones and do so through the YouTube platform; In the case of a viewing with public projection, the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine also offers the file for download so as not to depend specifically an Internet connection and improve the experience for the public.

Here are all the viewing options available:

“Sowers of Hope”.

English/England language. Duration: 45:31. HD.

“Sembradores de Esperanza”.

Language Spanish/Spain. Duration: 45:31. HD.

“Semeadores de Esperança”.

Language Portuguese/Brazil. Duration: 45:31. HD.