In 1993 the then bishop, Francisco Pérez, blessed the new temple. This November 14 it was Ginés García, third bishop of this Madrid Diocese, who celebrated the anniversary with the parish community.
Last Tuesday, November 14, the community of the Parish of Our Lady of Buenavista located in the Sector III neighborhood of Getafe (Madrid, Spain), celebrated the 30th anniversary of the consecration of its parish temple, a celebration that took place in 1993, being bishop Francisco José Pérez y Fernández-Golfín.
The current bishop, Ginés García Beltrán, was accompanied at the altar by fifteen priests, among them Augustinian Recollects and Augustinian religious and several diocesans priests, wanted to commemorate this anniversary together with the parish community.
The vicar of the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine, Juan Carlos Avitia, represented the entire this province of the Augustinian Recollects that currently has the charge of the bishop to serve the People of God.
In the temple were the usual faithful, the catechism children with their parents and catechists, members of parish groups (Cáritas, Caminar), members of the Augustinian Recollect Family (Secular Fraternity, JAR, ARCORES-AyudaFortaleza and Support Group for the Misión de Lábrea) and friends and neighbors of Getafe, many familiar faces who are part of the life and history of the Parish.
In the initial presentation, a brief historical overview was presented from the first steps of the parish community until the consecration of its current temple in 1993. The Liturgy of the Word focused on the image of “the house of God among men” and the scene of the Samaritan: know the gift of God and the water (life) that he offers us.
In his homily, the bishop made reference to the material temple, the house where the assembly meets to celebrate the mysteries and form community; and to the “living stones” and “temples of the Holy Spirit” to which the members of the parish community are called to become.
He asked that the Parish of Our Lady of Buenavista be a missionary community that look for those who are far away and those who have not received the Gospel announcement, even though they may be baptized. He invited mutual charity, unity and commitment.
There was no lack of signs throughout the celebration, nor the active participation of the parochial community. At the offertory, along with the bread and wine, about thirty approached the bishop catechizing with food, a gesture that they carry out every Sunday for parish Cáritas.
At Thanksgiving, a reminder was given with sweets, a picture of the Patroness and the new hymn that was sung at the end of the mass. The singing was carried out by the Escolania of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo del Escorial and, the altar service, of Augustinian Recollect religious in the period of initial formation of the community of Las Rozas (Madrid).
The prior of the Augustinian-Recollect community and current parish priest, Germán Antonio Antón, gave the thanks to all the participants and insisted on the importance of continuing to build the community.