Courses, workshops and an Augustinian coexistence are part of this program, which focuses on in the explanation of the pastoral motto of the year, in the elements of teaching values and in the shared spirituality according to the charisma of the institution that owns the center.
Shortly before the start of the school year, at the end of August and beginning of September, teachers and collaborators of the Fray Luis de León College of the Augustinian Recollects in Querétaro (Mexico) come together to be trained in the Augustinian Recollect charism, to encourage each other and to be emotionally and spiritually prepared to receive the students, the true protagonists of this task and mission.
To this end, several workshops and courses were organized in collaboration with the Pastoral Area of the center. The first workshop served so that the tutors from all sections of the educational center (Preschool, Primary, Secondary and Preparatory), by differentiated groups, learned about the workshops that they must impart to the students within the charismatic formation program that follows the center ideology.
Thus, an agenda of seven tutorials has been developed that students will receive on these topics: life of Saint Augustine, Augustinian Recollect charisma, life of Brother Luis de León, Augustinian values, the parents of Saint Augustine, the mission and vision of the Fray Luis de León School.
In the case of teachers, Augustinian training focused on the presentation of the pastoral motto of the new course (“If you aspire for big things, start with the small ones”), proposed as for each year by the Educar Network of the educational centers of the Augustinian Recollects in everyone. Each teacher must now adapt this common motto to the school calendar, to the agenda and local culture and idiosyncrasy.
These self-training activities ended the first weekend of September with an Augustinian coexistence attended by all collaborators, including the management, teachers and non-teaching staff.
It was an opportunity to practically live the values of spirituality and charism of the Augustinian-Recollect Family: fraternity, friendship and joy. Everyone participated with commitment to the prepared activities: integration and team games, dynamics of knowledge and improvement of interpersonal communication…
There was also time to strengthen common spirituality with moments of prayer and reflection and to share a fraternal agape that put an end to coexistence. Now everyone feel ready to receive the students.