Course for teachers of the Schools of the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine of the Order of Augustinian Recollects in Spain. Marcilla, Navarra, August 29-31, 2023.

The Colleges of Spain of the Province of Saint Nicholas of Tolentine of the Order of Augustinians Recollects have carried out the teachers’ course this year, prior to the beginning of the school year, in the convent of Marcilla, Navarra, from August 29 to 31. Most teachers didn’t know this house and for them it has been a real surprise and they have enjoyed the multiple potentialities it possesses.

Following the indications of the prior provincial Carlos González Castellanos, the East Colleges year they will develop a new strategy, using Appreciative Inquiry. the prior provincial is an enthusiast of this methodology, which is a philosophy of life, dynamic and very entrepreneur, and that he himself is going to expose at the beginning of the school year to the three cloisters of teachers.

On the 29th, Fray Juan Luis González Ríos, who was directly responsible for the schools of the mentioned Province, the one who was unraveling and explaining the main elements constitutive of Appreciative Inquiry, which is a problem solving strategy problems that seeks to focus more on the potential of each one than on the limitations, errors or existing difficulties. The key is to focus on the best of people to awaken improvement strategies and discover with it that everyone has more resources than they think at first. Further beyond finding a solution when facing a problem, which proposes the Inquiry is to make a change for the better.

The day was completed with the detailed and exquisite explanation that Fray Pablo Panedas, prior of the community from Marcilla, performed the wonders of this convent and the precious exhibition that it treasures. He liked and surprised the teachers, while they participated in part of the history and tradition of the Recollects.

The next day was dedicated to deepening the Augustinian Pedagogical Bases, which are in the review phase and will be published, with the pertinent update, at the EDUCATE congress in November 2023 in Guatemala.

The talk, which was pleasant and very relaxed, was given by Fray José Manuel Cambero, principal director of the Sacred Heart of Guadalajara school, of the Province of Saint Thoms of Villanova, and that he shared with the trainees this day of training.

The next conference dealt with the PEI (Institutional Educational Project) which, by like the Bases, they will find their promulgation in the Guatemalan Congress. Was given by Sergio Alquenzar, educational director of the Sacred Heart of Guadalajara and who was also present at the morning session. It was very experiential and dynamic and he was accurate in his observations and in the application of the Institutional project to the centers of the Order. Sergio, like Cambero, is a member of the EDUCATE Regional Team of Spain.

They dedicated the afternoon to sharing the most relevant pedagogical experiences of their schools. At first they planned to carry them out by educational level, but in the end they decided to share them all together and, although it took a little longer than expected, planned, they were very happy to be able to share them all, to listen to the different classmates from other schools and to know and appreciate the many things good that have been carried out with the students in the three schools.

They had a grateful and very special memory for the religious Augustinian Recollects Ángel Jubera and Javier Marcilla, two of the great educators of these Colleges and responsible and organizers for many years of these training courses. Some teachers even went to the cemetery to pray at the tomb of Fray Javier and all they remembered him in the Eucharist before the Lord, as Saint Monica asked Saint Augustine one day. May HE have them in his glory.

On the last day, August 31, they had an explanation of the motto of the course [“Do you aspire big? Begin with the small”], the Augustinian value to be shared and the objectives pedagogical-pastoral that must attend to and develop: cultivate interiority, encourage responsibility and perseverance, promote the culture of good treatment, increase the spirit of service and promote innovation and creativity in all Schools and in all educational actions .

They concluded with the Eucharist, in which they gave thanks to the Lord, said goodbye to each other and a serene and peaceful course was wished in all spheres and for all projects, which they are many and very interesting. On their return, the teachers of the Saint AugustineScholl of Valladolid made a stop in Monteagudo to visit the convent, pray with Saint Ezekiel Moreno and visit the novitiate community. The treatment that was given to them so much by the community of Marcilla like that of Monteagudo in the brief visit encouraged them to repeat in a future.