IluminAR 2023. JAR, Juventudes Agustino-Recoletas. Querétaro, México.

On May 27, about fifty young people from the different stages of the JAR itinerary –Augustinian-Recollect Youth– from the communities of Avante, Churubusco and Santa Monica (all three in Mexico City); Fray Luis de León and Hills of Casablanca (both in Querétaro), met at the Fray Luis de León school to live their “Illuminate 2023”.

The meeting began on the morning of Saturday May 27 with a prayer. Immediately afterwards, the JAR coordinators exposed the theme of the seven gifts Holy Spirit. Afterwards, Fray Isaac Almaraz organized a series of aquatic activities and dynamics with the intention of strengthening the fraternal relationship among the attendees.

The formative activities in the morning ended with lunch. After this. the activities of the JAR 2023 meeting began. The first thing was a dynamic integration so that young people from different geographical areas could get to know each other and relate to each other through different games, dynamics and a rally treasure hunt.

In the evening, the JAR boys and girls had a common prayer meeting before the Blessed Sacrament that was coordinated and directed by the musician and committed layman David Lozano, who enlivened the evening of prayer with adoration songs, invocation to God, the Holy Spirit and praises to Jesus Christ.

A noteworthy note was that during the vigil of Pentecost some young people from the JAR Fray Luis de León were accompanied by his parents, special occasion of meeting between children and parents.

The ILUMINAR 2023 meeting concluded with a fraternal agape.