With the month of September the tumult of the patron saint festivities calmed down and the life took its normal course. it returned to the party in October with Saint Francis of Assisi, very venerated in the Prelature, since in Lábrea we have two communities that have it as patron and also the indigenous community of Japiim, site of the conflict that led to Sister Cleusa to death. The bustle in the celebrations is not lacking.
A few days after the Augustinian Recollect Luis Amílcar Reyes took up his position as parish priest of Labrea, he began life anew movement of the bishop of the Prelature with his trips and visits to one place and another.
Regional Council of Bishops in Porto Velho
On October 19th I traveled to Porto Velho and on the 20th and 21st we had the CONSER (Council Region of the Bishops). We meet three times a year, this was the last. A busy schedule to evaluate the year, plan for the future and present our proposals. Father Vantuy was present at the last meeting who presented us with a base document with the emptying of the answers of the surveys carried out for evaluate the year Finally, we had a meeting with the seminary trainers interdiocesan of Porto Velho, in which we were informed of the general process and particular to each seminarian.
Regional Assembly
In the evening of the same day, the 21st, all the members of the regional assembly arrived and we started the assembly. On behalf of the Prelature was Gernilson Amancio (if God wants, future pastoral coordinator of the Prelature), the seminarian Thiago Mendes (for the first time a seminarian was summoned by Diocese), and me. The other coordinators of the different pastoral, movements and services at the regional level were from the other dioceses.
Friday night, Saturday and Sunday were days of work, analysis, evaluation and projects to prepare a final document with lines of action and concrete itineraries, based on the document presented by Father Vantuy. Little to shortly the document took its final form. The pandemic affected all areas and It’s been hard getting everything back on track. With this work tool realistic and bold, we hope to continue with our Church in mission. They did not lack liturgical and spiritual moments. The assembly closed with the missionary dispatch of all the members of the assembly.
Trip to Pauini
As soon as I had returned to Lábrea, I set out on my way to Pauiní. We left on the 28th October and, as soon as we left the port, a rain began that got worse every time plus. We could not advance at the desired speed and we had to stop on the way, in a houseboat, which warmly welcomed us to have a coffee warm up and continue the journey. Given the time it was, it was impossible to reach Pauimí; still we were very far away, night fell on us and we did not carry a flashlight or lantern.
Sailing very slowly, we still ran into a log… so we took refuge in the first community we found called Ermida. We were received very well: the coordinator Doña Marina entertained us with a hot dinner and offered us her house to sleep: Fray Luis Reyes, an Augustinian Recollect, and the secretary Verilda stayed there; young Lucas and I slept at the school where Lucas’s brother is professor; and the driver of the voadeira, Mr. Francisco, slept on the boat to which he moored the boat. Very early, after a refreshing breakfast, we continued the five of us traveled: Fray Luis, Verilda, Lucas, Francisco and me.
In Pauini
We arrived for the retreat and the Confessions of those who were going to be confirmed, and for the afternoon we celebrated the diaconal ordination of Fray Roberto Carlos, an Augustinian Recollect. To the following day, October 30th, in the morning was the Confirmation of 41 young people, and in the evening late the inauguration of the new parish priest of Pauiní, Fray José Arredondo. Thanks to God, the return trip was totally different: great weather and a stop at the community of Ajuricaba for a hearty morning breakfast.
In Porto Velho
On November 9th I traveled again to Porto Velho. On the 10th I had a meeting important with Sister Bernardete, Superior General of the Institute Daughters of Saint José (Josefinas), with Sister Cícera, regional superior of the Institute, and the sisters Claudia, Ana, Merinalva, Dorinha and Aparecida, who work in the Prelature. Was for evaluate the missionary work of the sisters, review the contract and take the proposals to the assembly that they would have two days later in Rio Branco.
Certainly we are very satisfied with the work of the sisters in the Prelature; their presence makes a difference in the communities of Belo Monte and Foz de Tapauá. Zealous in their pastoral and educational mission, they renew and continue with us, even though It must be said that they have difficulties finding new missionaries. we trust God and in Saint Joseph may they remain much longer…
On the 11th, 12th and 13th we had the COMIRE (Regional Missionary Council) assembly. We were five representatives of the Prelature: from missionary childhood, Aline; of the missionary youth, Suzane, missionary volunteer in the interior; Josimara, volunteer missionary in the communities of the tributaries of the Purús river; Ana Maria and the young man missionary Luigi. I had to preside over the Assembly as representative bishop of the missionary action with the opening talk and spirituality. Aldemisia, from the Diocese of Rio Branco, was who directed the work and interventions of all the missionary pastorals of the region formed by six dioceses and our Prelature: CIMI, CEBs, Laicato, COMIPA, COMISE… We analyze the progress of the national missionary program in our regional, we elaborate the document that has to be presented, we review the statute and the new coordinating team was elected, of which Marcelo was re-elected as secretary, parishioner of our Prelature.
Don Jesús Moraza arrived in Porto Velho, we resolved some issues together, and together we traveled to Mexico on November 16 for the episcopal ordination of friar Francisco Javier Acero, which took place on November 18th.
In Mexico
Intense days, days of meeting of Recollect bishops covering the newly ordained, and with other bishops present together with the cardinal of Mexico, feeling that we are Church
Universal as Order. Intense days of meeting with many Recollect Brothers that we hadn’t seen each other in a long time, reviving and reinforcing the community and Augustinian Fraternity. Intense days when I met the Monsignor’s family Francisco Javier Acero, of which I feel a member, since I was a trainer of the new bishop for seven years, in addition to giving him his first communion when he was an external student in our school Saint Augustine of Valladolid.
Intense days participating in the consecration celebration in the Basilica of Guadalupe from the Mexican capital; accompanying him the next day at the celebration in our Parish of Our Lady of Guadalupe de Hospitales and then visiting the CARDI social project. On Sunday, November 20th, we celebrate mass in the community of Tecamachalco, seat of the Vicar of Mexico-Costa Rica.
The return trip was a bit bumpy, but we came back happy. We arrived to Porto Velho at almost 5:00 in the morning and at 9:00 the bus left for Lábrea, we arrived in the afternoon of November 24th.
Visit to the parishes of the Prelature
On November 27, Don Jesús Moraza traveled to Pauiní to replace the parish priest José Arredondo, who was going on vacation. And I traveled on the 30th to visit the parishes before the end of the year, as the plan is to visit them twice a year. He accompanied me on this trip the seminarian Thiago, who has already finished theology and we will take advantage of the vocational year for his diaconal and presbyteral ordination by promoting vocational throughout the Prelature.
After a few hours in Canutama in which I accompanied Father Fabio in the program radio and, after eating, we left for Belo Monte where we had a meeting with the nuns Claudia and Aparecida, and a celebration with the community. Early in the morning, with Josías, the motorist of the voadeira, we went to the community of Jitimarí where Father Éder was homeless with the missionary team made up of the Marist brother Nilvo, the lay missionary Josimara and the commander of the ship.
We spoke to the community, we visited a sick person and several families. After eating we travel to the community of Foz de Tapauá. Here we were welcomedby Marist Brother Ronilton. We celebrated with the nuns Merinalva, Dorinha and the community, we all had a fraternal dinner and, the next day, Brother Ronilton he sent us off with an early breakfast. We arrived at Tapauá after eight hours travel…
Our Augustinian Recollect Friars Juan José Guzmán, José Antonio Campos, Luis Antonio Fernández and the candidate Luis Antonio González welcomed us with their arms open. Once installed, we celebrate the Eucharist and participate with the sisters Oblates Sirlene and Beatriz of the fraternization of LACIR (Lar of adolescents and crianças irmã Rosa).
On Sunday morning, December 4th , we had a Confirmation celebration in the chapel of Saint Augustine. In the afternoon parish mass, José Antonio Campos took possession as the new parish priest of Tapauá and Luis Antonio Fernández said goodbye to the town. At the farewell there were emotional moments after several years of service pastoral in it. The following days we visited the Centro Esperanza, the LACIR, works by the communities, we visit the sick and the elderly, we participate in the celebrations…
Fray Luis Antonio undertook a trip to Lábrea city, his new destination. On the 6th we left Tapauá on a day that threatened rain. He accompanied us Mexican vocation Luis Antonio González, who finished his experience in Tapauá and thus he knew a little more about the Prelature before returning to Mexico. The The threat came true with just over half an hour to go before reaching Foz de Tapauá: a torrential, strong rain, thrown by the wind in all directions…
We arrived drenched, dripping from all sides… Shower and complete change of clothes; not even the raincoats served as a defense. Father Éder and I celebrated the Eucharist with the religious and the community, and then we had the parish pastoral council. The next day the representatives of this community left for the assembly parish church and we stayed to visit the community of La Foz: the school run by Sister Dorinha; visiting the sick accompanied by Conception; to the elderly accompanied by the married couple Maria Celia and Jusue (two of the women visited were over 100 years old). After the evening mass we had the funeral oration of a neighbor of the missionary fathers, who died that same afternoon. We celebrated the day of the Immaculate Conception in the Aramiã community and participated in the III Parish Assembly (this Parish has been operating for only four years and has for holders to San Sebastián and San Francisco, for being the patrons of the most numerous that are Belo Monte and Foz de Tapauá, but the assembly was held this year, by lot, in the community of Aramiã). Father Éder,the Marist brothers Ronilton and Nilvo, the sisters Claudia, Merinalva and Aparecida, and representatives of all the communities. The meeting place was a houseboat to make flour. The first thing was a talk Brother Ronilton about the vocation year. Then I gave a talk on the synod of Amazonas and the meeting of Santarém. After an interval, the mass and the meal. We continue with the proposals for the assembly of the Prelature that will be in January next. Around 4:00 p.m. we said goodbye and traveled to Belo Monte to celebrate the Eucharist with the community, because it was a day of obligation. We also celebrated the following day, December 12th, for the sisters Claudia and Aparecida; and after having breakfast we traveled to Canutama.
We took advantage of the weekend to accompany the young people on their day of the youth as soon as possible: adoration of the Blessed Sacrament on Friday, some dynamics, talks… and the final mass on Sunday. So that Father Fabio could to dedicate myself without concern to this event, I celebrated the weekend masses in the communities accompanied by the seminarian Thiago and the vocation Luis, and I baptized two kids. In our spare time we visited some families… The young people were impressed by the presence of the bishop, but I was even more impressed by the result of this event that they had been preparing for a long time. we take advantage of opportunity to also do vocation promotion.
Back home, in Labrea, we enter into daily activity wrapped in Advent Christmas road…