From October 4th to 15th, the exhibition that captures the reality of the missions, social works and missionary testimonies of the Augustinians Recollects is on display in the temple of Our Lady of the Consolation of the educational center, which has resumed some of the pastoral activities.
Creators of spaces of dialogue with the world and contemporary culture is the pastoral theme of the 2020/2021 course started a few weeks ago in schools and parishes served by the Augustinian Recollects throughout the northern hemisphere.
The Augustinian motto Let us seek the Truth Together will be the leitmotiv for activities aimed at Evangelization in each place, although we know that this course has special characteristics due to the pandemic and in each place the activities and work proposals will take into account the safety and health of people.
On October 4, the feast of St Francis of Assyses, the Colegio San Agustín of the Augustinian Recollects inValladolid resumed the celebration of the Sunday Eucharist as a proposal for families. The celebration takes place at 1 pm.
After almost eight months this liturgical activity was offered again for face-to-face participation. In order to have more space and to be able to apply rigorously and effectively the regulations on physical distance between non-convivial persons, these celebrations will be held in the temple of Our Lady of Consolation of the educational center, which occupies an entire pavilion, can be easily ventilated and has great height.
Under normal conditions these masses were held in an almost adjoining chapel that allowed for closer and more intimate celebrations. However, the great temple now provides the space for families to be scattered and participate with the peace of mind needed for everyone’s health.
One of the teachers thus summarized on the school’s website this return of the Sunday Face-to-Face Eucharist:
“A long time ago and we were looking forward to being together celebrating the Eucharist on Sundays, as before. It is not the same, because there are distances and we have to take health recommendations seriously, but carefully and being respectful of masks, distances and gel, it is possible.”
In the same place has been presented the Exhibition We are Prophets of the Kingdom, which has 24 panels and two videos. It provides a better understanding of what missions are, where the Recoleto Augustinians work, what kind of tasks are carried out for both evangelization and the promotion of social justice, and some of the most striking missionary testimonies.
As a curiosity, some of the protagonists of the exhibition that appear in the panels or videos are well known religious in Valladolid because they worked at the Colegio San Agustín and for years promote, encourage and appreciate the solidarity actions of the students and their families.
The exhibition will be in the temple of Our Lady of Consolation until October 15th.