Both have been working in the pastoral ministry in St. Augustine’s Catholic School in Valladolid and in Romareda Catholic School in Zaragoza. The Augustinian Recollect Bishop of Tarazona (Zaragoza, Spain), Eusebio Hernández, ordained them on December 5th in Madrid.

Jose Francisco Oyanguren (from Leon Guanajuato Mexico, 1989) and Hector de Jesus Molina (from Mexico City, 1987) were ordained on December 5th in the St. Nicholas crypt low chapel at St. Rita’s chapel in Madrid (Spain) by the Recollect Bishop of Tarazona (Zaragoza, Spain), Eusebio Hernandez.

Both friars have been in two different Recollect schools working in the religious education departments. Francisco in St. Augustine School in Valladolid and Hector in Romareda School in Zaragoza. The diaconate ordination came almost immediately after their solemn profession and some time before their priestly ordination. This marks the final months of their initial formation.

The ordination took place within the 431st Anniversary of the Order’s founding which took place in Toledo the year 1588 in the Augustinian provincial chapter.

Recollect Friars and Secular Order members filled the St. Nicholas chapel. Next to the bishop were the Provincials of St. Nicholas, Sergio Sanchez; of Our Lady of the Candelaria, Lorenzo Perez de Eulate; and of St. Thomas of Villanova, Jose Maria Sanchez.   

La cripta de San Nicolás de Tolentino acogió a miembros consagrados y seglares de la Familia Agustino-Recoleta. Junto al obispo Eusebio Hernández se situaron, alrededor del altar, el prior provincial de la Provincia de San Nicolás de Tolentino, Sergio Sánchez, y los vicarios en España de las Provincias de Santo Tomás de Villanueva, ¿???????, y de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria, Lorenzo Pérez de Eulate.

There were some 30 Recollects belonging to 3 different provinces. The choir was formed by the religious in the St. Augustine formation house in Las Rozas, Madrid who are directed by their teacher, Jose Bernardo Alvarez, who belongs to the Spanish National Choir. The Augustinian Recollect Missionary Sisters and the Augustinian Recollect Sisters were also present, members of the Secular Order of Madrid and Valladolid formed part of the gathered faithful. Personnel from both schools also travelled for the occasion.

The bishop and the provincial both mentioned the two reasons for celebration, the deacons ordinations and the Order’s anniversary. The diaconate as service was mentioned and how the Order is of service to the Church of Christ. The bishops said: “What will make the Church and all Christians believable is how we practice charity with those in need in the midst of the economical and value crisis which comes with new presentation of poverty: violence against women, hopeless families, abandoned children and elders. We must be true witnesses of Christ and be true deacons that serve the needy”.

According to tradition, Fr. Sergio asked the friars and secular order members to renew they promises on this day of the Order’s anniversary.

Deacon Francisco spoke on behalf of both newly ordained deacons at the end of the mass to give thanks saying: There come days to remember and be thankful and today is one of them. First of all we thank God for 431 years of the Order’s presence serving just as we want to serve all with love. I thought came to my mind this morning: We are the hands of God to care for the poor, feed the hungry, share the Good News, to serve our religious brothers and the Church. I appreciate our ordination fell on the 5th of December, a day of Recollect family and a day which we remember so many Recollect brothers who started the Order, the first missionaries that went to the Philippines and which are pictured in the walls of this chapel. The saints come to mind; Magdalene of Nagasaki, Fr. Mariano Gazpio and those that are still with us. We want to be part of this rich history of holiness by being truly God’s hands.

We thank our brother bishop, Eusebio for being the Church’s instrument of consecration for our diaconate; our Fr. Provincial and vicars; religious and lay brothers and sisters who came to join us.

It’s a day of joy in which we also remember our families back home with which we mutually pray on this occasion.

Pray for us and we invite you to be too hands of God for others, and be holy. Thank you.